Facebook Live Event

Simple Strategies to Purchasing a Home With Down Payment Assistance

*Important Note:  A recording of this event will be made available.  Register now and we will send you a recording if you can't attend*


Marcus Bruno
Premier Realtors

What You'll Discover
On This Live Webinar:

  1. Discover the "ins" & "outs" of down payment assistance programs and which program I recommend and why.
  2. Get step-by-step guidance on the best next steps to owning a home, applying for down payment assistance, mortgage application and approval.



Dec 16th


12:00 PM

I thought the workshop was very informative and helpful.

Nakischa Davis

The presentation was basic enough that a novice could grasp the content, which is what I needed since I’m just getting started. I know the one on one personalized counseling isn’t probably part of your normal routine, but I found that part most helpful. Hearing advice and strategies from you and the loan officer helped me understand where I need to be. I have ready told my family and friends about the workshop! I think it is such a great value. Knowledge is power. In order to move smart, you have to know what’s going on. So, thanks again!

I found your seminar really worthwhile attending

Tamika and James Wright

What struck me most was that when I asked a question, I got an honest response, and when the facilitators didn't know the answer, they knew where to look up the information and get back to us about it. One of the great aspects was that there was an attorney present to give answers "from a legal point of view". Lastly, the handouts were clear and concise--really helpful and not something to put away in a binder forever and always. I would recommend this seminar to anyone who is planning to buy or sell a home and is new to the world of real-estate.
