Home Building

Build trust quickly and effectivley with the 5-6-7 conversation method

Lesson 1 Module 1

People don't care what you know unless they know that you care.  The only way to demonstrate how much you care is by really taking the time to discover what's important to them.  Make them feel important! 

A profound experience is one where a client will share with you their deepest truths.  When you have their deep deep truth they really begin to trust you, and with that trust you can deliver to them a profound experience that will cause them to want to introduce to you their friends and family members.

The 5 6 7 Conversation Method

In two or three words what's important about buying a home?

What's important about ______ to you?

_____ means different things to different people?  What does _______ mean to you?

What does that give you the ability to do?

What's important about ______ to you?

What I hear you say is that ______ is important to you?  What does ________ allow you to do?

I'm curious because you say ________ is that correct?  Have you had an experience of that?  Do you remember a time when you did that?

What was important about that...?

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Master The Method of Finding Your Own 5-6-7

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